Crowdmapping Solution

Our crowdmapping platform allows the crowdmapping of incidents on any website


Kharita, our crowdmapping platform, allows the crowdmapping of incident and/or intervention reports via a webform on any website. Our research showed that IT capacity is the biggest barrier to activists with few resources who want to crowdmap.  

 We sponsor technical maintenance of the system for all member groups. 

Each group is assisted in using a customizable template to adapt the platform to their individual identity, branding, language and programmatic needs.

join us Today

If you are interested in using our crowdmapping technology, contact us to get started. We have developed a step-by-step guide to help you implement the technology even without any technical background.

The user guide is split into two main parts that cover the technical set up and the management of the technology. It also includes  pre-launch tips and recommendations.